The End?

After 13 seasons in the sun, we’re sad to say we’re closing-up shop. What began as a passion for better fantasy sports amongst three engineers from Canada, grew into a full-blown business and MLB licensed strategy game, and then eventually relaxed into a hobby and labor of love as we tried as long as we could not to say goodbye.

But the seasons turned into families and the families turned into time we no longer had for our humble side project. Stats providers grew unreliable, payment providers deprecated their APIs almost annually. Finally we reached our breaking point.

Take some solace that we’re trading in our weekend gig as fantasy sports jockeys for being Little League coaches and instilling a love of the game (and stats!) into the next generation.

We hope you enjoyed playing GDR as much as we enjoyed building it for you, and that the rush of your Free Agency Blitz is replaced with something as exciting in due time. Alas, we cannot bring ourselves to 100% say goodbye, so we’re keeping the (quite ancient at this point) code base and will think about what a GDR 2.0 might look like when we semi-retire (amazingly this is closer than it may seem).

May all your future bids in life be “green 2s” and your GM Rating as close to 100 as possible.

Thanks for playing.

 — Cam, George, and Scott